Braces vs Aligners: Clear Aligners or Orthodontics, Which Fits You Better?

by Dr. Hank Dallam

Understanding the Basics: Braces or Clear Aligners for Orthodontic Treatment

Deciding between braces or aligners for orthodontic treatment? 

At Augusta Orthodontics, we understand the struggle.

Braces, traditional yet effective, are usually cheaper.

On the other hand, clear aligners are plastic molds of your teeth, virtually invisible, and a gentle favorite of many dentists and patients.

Brace’s fans like the lower cost and orthodontists appreciate the strength. Aligner fans like the removability and discrete way to move teeth.

Unsure about committing to highly visible braces or aligners as clear as water?

A free virtual orthodontic consultation will help remove any confusion.

The goal is the same for braces or aligners — ideal customized orthodontic treatment for a beautiful, functional, and healthy smile!

So, what’s your pick: traditional visible orthodontics or invisible aligners?

What type of Orthodontics do you need?

An Insight into Orthodontics: A Comparison Study of Braces vs Aligners

Alright, let’s dive deeper into the world of orthodontics.

Do you fancy traditional shiny braces, or have you been eyeing those sleek clear teeth aligners for orthodontic treatment?

Our study included both the braces group and the aligners group.

The aligner companies, particularly Invisalign, seem to have numerous advantages over braces.

But don’t decide on aligners just yet! Orthodontic treatment isn’t that straightforward.

You must consider loads of stuff, especially what your teeth and mouth need. That’s where the professionals at Augusta Orthodontics come in.

Examples of orthodontic case types

We’ll guide you through the nitty-gritty to ensure you pick what’s best for you. Remember, orthodontics isn’t a one-size-fits-all choice!

Diving Deeper: What are Clear Aligners and How Do They Work in Treatment?

Alright, let’s dive a bit deeper into the details.

So, what are these clear aligners we’ve been discussing, and how do they factor into treatment?

Basically, clear aligners are an invisible version of braces.

They’re designed to be less noticeable so you can smile confidently, even when wearing them.

The aligners gently shift your teeth into the correct position under the wise guidance of your orthodontist, Dr. Dallam.

And let’s be honest, in terms of discretion, clear aligners have the upper hand compared to traditional braces made of metal.

Some adults are big fans of them here at Augusta Orthodontics, especially Invisalign braces, which are virtually invisible.

So, if you feel uneasy about treatment and want to be discreet, clear aligners are your ticket. The choice is yours!

Clear Aligners is a gentle favorite of patients

Explaining the Secret behind Clear Aligners as a Dental Solution

So, digging further into the world of aligners, what’s all the fuss about clear aligners?

Well, when we are talking about dental treatment options, they’re a solid choice.

Clear aligners are more discreet than traditional braces and still offer effective treatment for most patients.

They’re like invisible superheroes for your teeth. Obviously, aligners function differently from braces.

They gently shift your teeth into place using a series of customized, clear trays.

The trays basically “snap on” by grabbing onto little studs of material (bonding) on your teeth.

The best part is they can snap on and off easily. If you have a big Zoom meeting or a first date, they can be removed, and one is the wiser!

You wear each set of trays for a week or two, and your teeth will slowly move into the desired position.

There you have it – the down-low on aligners! At Augusta Orthodontics, we’re here to answer all your aligner questions!

Taking a Closer Look: The Basics of Braces in Orthodontic Treatment

Let’s dive into the details, the real meat and potatoes of classic orthodontics care, shall we?

We’re talking about braces. A tried-and-true approach to orthodontic treatment that everyone can see.

Now, braces aren’t just for kids anymore. Adults are getting in on the action too.

And why wouldn’t they? Braces help to straighten your teeth, giving you that million-dollar smile.

You might have seen those tiny metallic squares with wires glued to the front of the teeth.

Those are braces, and they do wonders in orthodontic treatment. Plus, they can be used to straighten almost any set of teeth!

Here at Augusta Orthodontics, we’re all about braces, orthodontics, and creating perfect smiles – the works.

So come on down, and let’s talk braces!

Traditional Braces: A Boon to Dental Health

Let’s continue our chat about traditional braces.

We like to call them the small, metallic smile-makers that will dramatically enhance your appearance and improve dental health.

Typically, braces are a more budget-friendly choice than Invisalign.

Your friendly Augusta Orthodontics team knows all about braces, braces, braces…did I mention braces?

They are incredibly effective for improving your appearance but can also improve dental health in more ways than you’d think.

Removing gaps in your teeth with braces helps avoid food lodging in those spaces. Not lodged food leads to less decay and healthier teeth and gums.

Besides, traditional braces are usually cheaper and/or more cost-effective.

We get it; they’re not everyone’s first choice aesthetically, but when it comes to health, health, health… they’re worth considering.

Some people like showing off those metal braces with colored rubber bands. There’s nothing wrong with letting people see your success with braces.

Either way, Dr. Dallam’s and any orthodontist’s main goal is to ensure your smile is as healthy and attractive as possible, right?

Breaking the Myths: How Much Do Braces or Clear Aligners Really Cost?

You’ve been learning a lot about orthodontic treatment, clear aligners, and braces in those last sections. 

You’ve been learning a lot about orthodontic treatment, clear aligners, and braces in those last sections. 

Good for you! Now, let’s talk about the investment in your smile stuff, or as some people say, the cost. 

“How much do braces or aligners cost?” It is all a myth that straightening your teeth costs an arm and a leg. 

Here at Augusta Orthodontics, we’ve done a fair bit of cost analysis: metal braces vs aligners. 

And guess what? It’s fairer than you think. Braces and clear aligners have pros and cons, but their costs can be surprisingly competitive.

 Cost Breakdown: Metal Braces vs Aligners

In general, Augusta Orthodontics tends to charge more for clear aligners than for some solid, reliable metal braces.

You see, the material cost for aligners needs a touch more investment, with the custom molding and everything.

Plus, don’t forget to consider your time. The frequency of visits when choosing between braces or aligners is significant.

Braces will have more check-ups and adjustments. Augusta Orthodontics includes the cost of these visits with your initial purchase, but there is a time cost to consider.

With Clear Aligners, you don’t have to visit as much. The patient has a series of aligners. The downside compared to braces is they have to be responsible and wear the aligners for the appropriate amount of time!

So, are clear aligners worth the extra dough? Well, with our help, that’s for you to decide. Remember, all consultations are free, and you can do it online!

And this is even better! Whichever you choose, Augusta Orthodontics always has low down payments and payment plans ready.

So, there is no need to have thousands of dollars to get braces or Invisalign™. You can get started with as little as a few hundred bucks.

Ultimately, your decision balances cost, time, appearance, and comfort.

Don’t worry; we will help you with every part of that decision.

Making a Choice: Clear Aligners vs Braces, Which Would Suit You?

At Augusta Orthodontics, we get it; making a choice between clear aligners or braces isn’t easy.

You’re probably asking yourself, “Which treatment will suit me best?”

You see, both clear aligners and braces are winners in their own right. But here’s the game changer – your unique situation.

Braces are often the go-to for more complex cases, while clear aligners are the best option if you want to be discreet.

Permanent orthodontics requires more in-office appointments and adjustments, and aligners put more responsibility on the patient because they must wear the appliances properly.

It’s a tough decision, but don’t worry about it!

The professionals at Augusta Orthodontics and Dr. Dallam have got your back.

Let us help you choose what’s best for your situation.

Here is a quick 6-question traditional braces or clear aligner decision tree to help you decide.

Traditional Braces or Clear Aligners: 6 key FAQs to decide

  • #1 – What is the preferred treatment for my age?

Braces: Suitable for all ages but more commonly found in teens and young adults because cases tend to be more complex.

Clear Aligners: Usually preferred by adults, young and old, as they are virtually invisible and less noticeable. Plus, adults are more responsible and wear the appliances properly.

  • #2 – How complex is my orthodontic case?

Braces: Preferable for complex cases, including severe crowding, major bite issues, or rotated teeth. Braces are the best option if you have dental pain, overlapping teeth, or biting jaw problems.

Clear Aligners: Ideal for mild to moderate orthodontic issues, such as minor crowding and spacing. Typically used for patients who had braces as kids and the teeth have shifted.

  • #3 – How important is aesthetic appeal to me?

Braces: Noticeable on teeth, but contemporary braces are less conspicuous. Some can opt for ceramic braces that match the color of the teeth, but these are more delicate. Gold braces are also an option for those who want to show off their success!

Clear Aligners: Almost invisible and more aesthetically pleasing as they are transparent. These can also be removed when eating, on Zoom calls, and for social occasions.

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  • #4 -How disciplined am I to follow treatment rules?

Braces: Need less discipline as they are non-removable. Regular visits to the orthodontist for adjustments are required.

Clear Aligners: Require discipline as they need to be worn for at least 22 hours a day, removed only for eating, brushing, and/or short situations.

  • #5 – How important is comfort to me during treatment?

Braces: Initially, they may cause discomfort, pose difficulty in brushing and eating, and may cause injuries to the inside of the mouth if hit. Discomfort goes away after a couple of weeks.

Clear Aligners: More comfortable than braces, do not cause injuries, and can be removed while eating and brushing. The patient will still have initial tooth soreness when using the appliances for the first time, similar to silver-colored braces.

  • #6 – What is my budget?

Braces: Traditional metal braces are usually less expensive than clear aligners, but this varies depending on the case’s complexity. More complex cases will cost more time and investment to repair.

Clear Aligners: Typically more expensive than traditional braces, but the cost could be similar for simpler cases.

The orthodontic decision tree is helpful, and patients can see the pros and cons of each option.

Braces or Clear Aligners – Considering the Pros and Cons for Your Treatment

It’s a tough call to choose between braces or clear aligners for treatment, right?

But don’t worry; our orthodontist team at Augusta Orthodontics is here to help you evaluate the pros and cons.

Traditional braces have been trusted soldiers in the orthodontic field for decades.

They are reliable, but we cannot lie; they could be a bit uncomfortable.

Enter aligners. They’re clear, they’re comfy, and they’re almost invisible.

Plus, you can slide them out for meals and brushing.

But they might ask for a little more patience from you.

Long story short, there’s no right or wrong decision here. It’s all about what suits you better!

The only wrong decision we know of is not investing in your oral health and smile.

Remember, choosing either option will greatly improve your health and well-being, so it is an investment, not an expense.

Especially for children.

Children and Orthodontics: When Should Your Child Get Braces?

Have you been asking when the right time is for your child to get braces?

Have you been asking when the right time is for your child to get braces?

Here at Augusta Orthodontics, we’ve got your complex child orthodontics questions covered.

Pediatric orthodontic treatments, including braces, are ideal when children’s mouth structures are still growing.

The ideal age for braces is typically during the early adolescent years.

Of course, adolescents might dislike getting braces, but they will thank you once their amazing smile is revealed in just a few short years.

Additionally, Dr. Dallam may recommend that some younger children, 7-12 years old, begin treatment early on. This is known as early orthodontics.

Learn more about early orthodontics here.

So, whether it’s a simple fix or a complex orthodontic case, don’t worry. Augusta Orthodontics has you covered.

Come in for a free examination, and let’s discuss if your kids are at the right age to get braces and start their orthodontic journey.

Pediatric Orthodontic Treatments: Choosing Between Braces or Clear Aligners

Which orthodontic treatment will be best for your child, braces or aligners? Picking one can be tricky.

Augusta Orthodontics has a lot of experience with pediatric orthodontic treatment.

Even though our practice is technically new, our experienced team has been helping Augusta community families with orthodontics for years.

This is especially true when helping patients choose between braces and clear aligners for their kids.

While braces have been the traditional go-to for Dr. Dallam for over 30 years, clear aligners are starting to become a popular option.

Parents should know there is no one-size-fits-all solution. We understand every child is unique and will need a custom ortho solution to fix their teeth.

Since family consultations are free, there is no reason why parents should wait to find out which treatment works for their child.

Our braces consultations are hassle-free and informative. Dr. Dallam is your neighborhood orthodontist and is here to guide you through it, making this treatment decision easier.

So what does the future hold for your smile…braces or clear aligners?

Advancing Technology: The Future of Traditional Dental Braces in the World of Clear Aligners

Let’s think about the future of braces. Aligners are becoming a popular alternative in dentistry. Yet, old-school dental braces aren’t going anywhere.

You see, advancements in dental technology used by Augusta Orthodontics mean we can choose between braces or clear aligners based on personal needs.

For some people, dental braces have their advantages. These are stronger, work for complex cases, are affordable, and can even allow you to show off with different colors.

Others prefer the ease of invisible aligners like Invisalign™.

These clear aligners fit like a glove, gently move the teeth, can be removed, and are unnoticeable.

So, at Augusta Orthodontics, we help you decide what’s best when it comes to braces versus clear aligners.

Ceramic Braces: A Glimpse of the Future in the Dynamic World of Orthodontics

So, when looking into the world of orthodontics, try to decide on classic braces or clear aligners; there’s another option to consider: ceramic braces.

Ceramic braces are a real game-changer in the orthodontics.

Ceramic is super discreet and perfect for those needing or wanting a clear, teeth-matching option.

Unlike traditional braces, the brackets are less visible and blend right in with your teeth. Additionally, patients can choose clear or a combination of rubberband colors.

We offer this option in our Augusta Orthodontics practice to ensure patients’ orthodontic needs are met.

Think of these as having an invisible aligner; people could hardly tell you’re on a dental mission!

Braces vs aligners is an important choice.

Getting Started: How to Begin Your Journey with Braces or Clear Aligners?

So, you’re ready to begin your journey but still wavering between braces or aligners, right?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you! Either option can be great; it’s about understanding what suits you better.

We have it all if you want traditional metal braces, clear ceramic braces, shiny gold braces, or invisible aligners.

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If you’re drawn towards clear, virtually invisible options, clear aligners or ceramics might be your match.

Or, if you’re fine with showing off your braces, metal orthodontics, colored bands, and gold braces are available.

At Augusta Orthodontics, we help you figure out which fits you best – aligner or braces before you start the journey.

Remember, the journey of a thousand smiles starts with a single free consultation.

FAQ’s: Clear up Your Questions Around Braces and Aligner Treatments

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth Have more Questions?  Check-Out the Most Common FAQs Below

We’ve kept track of our patients’ most commonly asked questions. Here are the top ten most common patient questions and answers about braces or aligners.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • What’s the main difference between braces and clear aligners?

Braces are usually metal and more visible but are often cheaper and quite effective. Clear aligners, however, are virtually invisible plastic versions of your teeth and can be more comfortable but slightly more pricey.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • Which is better for complex cases, braces or aligners?

Generally, braces are often the go-to for more complex cases due to their tried-and-true effectiveness. But with today’s technology, aligners can handle a wider range of issues than before.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • Do aligners or braces work faster?

12-36 months. Sorry for the wide range, but this depends on your dental situation. Generally, complex cases can take 2-3 years. Usually, we can straighten your teeth in a year if you have a simple case.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • Are aligners or braces more painful?

Honestly, patients with braces will have more soft tissue discomfort. Cheeks and gums. The discomfort will go away within a few weeks. Sensitivity will occur with both orthodontic choices because we will be moving your teeth. If you choose braces, don’t worry, Dr. Dallam is an expert in gently moving the teeth to lower and elimate pain.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • Are clear aligners more expensive than braces?

Usually, yes. Due to their custom molding and materials, aligners can be a bit more pricey than good old reliable metal braces.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • When’s the right time for my child to get braces?

The ideal age for braces is typically during the early adolescent years. However, orthodontist advice may vary depending on the individual child’s dental situation.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • Do I have to choose between braces or aligners for my child’s orthodontic treatment?

Not necessarily. While braces have been the traditional go-to, clear aligners are making a strong case too. Your Augusta Orthodontics team will guide you through this decision based on your kid’s unique needs.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • Are ceramic and gold braces real?

Absolutely, and they work great. Unlike traditional braces, ceramics are less visible. The color merges in with your teeth. They can be a great option if you want to show off your rubberband color choice or go completely clear. Gold is another stylish option for those looking to flaunt their brace’s success.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • As an adult, should I go for braces or aligners?

Both can work well. This choice really comes down to what suits you best: discreet and comfortable aligners or effective and usually cheaper braces. At Augusta Orthodontics, we’re here to help you decide.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • Are Aligners as effective as braces?

Yes. Both will result in a stable smile for a lifetime; if you wear your retainers! The choice is more about the anatomy of your mouth and affordability.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • I’ve got questions about aligners; where can I find info?

You’re in the right place. At Augusta Orthodontics, we have all the answers to aligner-related questions. We’re here to help make everything crystal clear for you.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • Should I wait for future developments in orthodontics regarding braces vs aligners?

You or your family should not wait. Dental technology will continue to advance, but waiting may cause treatment to take longer since your teeth continue to move.

Augusta Orthodontics Green tooth
  • Before I start my orthodontic treatment journey, how do I choose between aligners or braces?

It really depends on what suits you better. Augusta Orthodontics will help you understand the pros and cons of each option. You’re eyeing up the virtually invisible option of clear aligners or the super-effective, more traditional choice of braces.

A Summary of Braces versus Aligners

Braces vs Aligners? The choice is simpler than you think because Augusta, GA, area residents receive professional orthodontic consultations from Dr. Dallam at no charge.

The no-cost consultation provides:

  • Answers all your orthodontic questions
  • A complete customized treatment plan
  • An accurate price for aligners and braces based on your needs
  • Insurance coverage, payment plans, & financing choices.

Look no further, as Augusta Orthodontics brings you all pertinent clarifications on braces and aligner treatments.

Augusta Orthodontic Team

About Dr. Hank Dallam

Dr. Hank Dallam is a board-certified orthodontist in the State of Georgia. He received his undergraduate degree and graduated from the University of Kentucky. After that, he completed his orthodontic residency at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. He is an honored member of the American Dental Association, Georgia Dental Association, American Association of Orthodontists, and the Southern Association of Orthodontists. Dr. Dallam has practiced orthodontics in Georgia for over 30 years. He stays on the cutting edge of orthodontics through continuing education courses, regularly visitng dental trade shows, and attending orthodontic/dental seminars.

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