Orthodontics for Adults: Understanding Adult Orthodontic Treatment

by Dr. Hank Dallam

Welcome to the world of adult orthodontics! 

Here at Augusta Orthodontics, we understand beginning a journey toward a healthier, straighter smile can be filled with questions and uncertainties, especially for adults. 

Following the guiding principles of Dr. Henry Dallam, we are committed to illuminating the process of adult orthodontic treatment for you. 

Let us assure you it’s never too late to enhance your smile and improve your dental health and mental wellbeing.

Orthodontics for adults

No matter your age, we’re here to help you understand everything about orthodontics for adults. 

Imagine the wonderful possibilities that an unforgettable smile can bring to your life.

Understanding Adult Orthodontics: Orthodontic Problems Faced by Adults

For many adults, the term orthodontics brings images of children or teenagers with braces to mind.

However, adult orthodontics is very common, and at Augusta Orthodontics, many people improve their smile in adulthood. 

Improving your smile has major benefits for both mental and physical health.  

The main reason adults decide to get braces is to enhance their appearance. 

Getting your smile right makes you feel more attractive and likable. This, in turn, boosts your confidence.  The results are life-changing.  

We’re an orthodontist practice that realizes that orthodontic problems aren’t confined to younger age groups. 

The overall physical health of your mouth can be changed with orthodontia.

Adults, like kids, may be dealing with issues related to crowded teeth, tooth alignment, bite abnormalities, or other oral health concerns. 

One common orthodontic problem adults face is a misaligned bite or “malocclusion”.

This can occur due to growth, tooth damage, or other changes in tooth position.

Adult need braces to avoid jaw pain

Problematic bites can lead to trouble chewing, speaking, and maintaining good oral hygiene.

Another prevalent issue in adult orthodontics is the spacing or crowding of teeth. 

Crowded teeth can make cleaning between teeth difficult, leading to tooth decay and gum disease.

In contrast, too much space or gaps between teeth can compromise biting ability and the aesthetics of your smile. 

Adult braces are an effective solution to fix these orthodontic problems. 

What patients realize is that beyond just an incredible smile, significant health issues are resolved. 

Undeniably, it’s never too late for adults to see an orthodontist. In fact, sometimes, it improves your overall health and life span. 

It’s about achieving an extraordinary, healthy, functional smile, and at Augusta Orthodontics, our commitment is to each patient’s personalized, superior, and effective care.

braces improve mental health

10 Reasons Why Adults Get Braces

  • Improve Oral Hygiene: Crowded or unevenly spaced teeth can be difficult to clean properly. This leads to tooth decay and gum disease. Properly aligning your teeth makes it easier to maintain oral health.
  • Prevent Jaw Problems: Misaligned teeth can also cause problems with your jaw. Correcting your bite reduces the risk of developing painful TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders.
  • Minimize Wear & Tear: Unevenly positioned teeth lead to excessive wear and tear on enamel. Braces ensure even bite force distribution across all teeth, minimizing unnecessary damage.
  • Prevent Injury: Protruding teeth are more likely to be accidentally broken. Repositioning and aligning such teeth reduces the risk of dental trauma.
  • Improve Speech: Believe it or not, our teeth play a significant role in our ability to speak clearly. Fixing dentally misaligned teeth can improve your speech.
  • Boost Mental Health: Straight, even teeth lead to increased confidence and self-esteem, positively impacting your mental health and increasing your confidence.
  • Relieve Digestion: Straightened teeth crush food more efficiently and effectively. As a result, patients have better digestion because food is properly chewed.
  • Improve Facial Structure: Besides being more attractive, the benefit of a straighter smile can also correct certain facial dysfunctions caused by a misaligned jaw or bite.

Orthodontist Insights: Why Adults Need Orthodontic Treatment

Stages of fixing teeth

As an orthodontist, I’ve met many adults nervous about getting orthodontic treatment.

Here at Augusta Orthodontics, we aim to remove these fears and make the treatment journey simple and comfortable for our adult patients.

Many adults seek out orthodontists because they’re ready to improve their smiles and fix issues they’ve had since childhood. Remember, there’s never a ‘wrong’ age for braces.

While orthodontists mostly put braces on younger patients, we see an increasing number of adults in the Augusta area discover the value of braces.

Adult teeth can still be successfully realigned using orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign.

Our orthodontist, Dr. Dallam, sees countless adults achieve transformative, life-altering results.

We’re committed to improving oral health in adults, regardless of age.

Dr Henry Dallam

Orthodontic treatment for teeth alignment isn’t just about aesthetics – it can also significantly improve oral function and hygiene. This is pivotal in understanding why adults need orthodontic treatment.

We want to encourage any adults considering orthodontic treatment to seize the chance for a healthier smile.

So, if that’s you, as an orthodontist, don’t let age deter you from seeking orthodontic treatment.

You’re never too old for braces, and at Augusta Orthodontics, we’re here every step of the way.

Why adult need braces

Exploring Adult Orthodontic Treatment Options: Invisible Braces and Teeth Aligners

At Augusta Orthodontics, we’ve made significant strides in the field of orthodontics.

Numerous adults are exploring various options like invisible braces, gold braces, or teeth aligners like Invisalign for their orthodontic needs.

Adult ortho options from augusta ortho

It’s not too late to correct your teeth alignment with braces. Invisible orthodontics have made this journey more convenient and less noticeable than conventional braces.

Treatment is hardly noticeable to others until the day those braces finally come off.

If you’re looking for a flashy, stylish braces experience, our gold braces are a unique and exciting way to get the smile you have always wanted. Everyone will know you’re successful enough to straighten your teeth.

Orthodontics isn’t just for teenagers anymore. Nowadays, with advancements in dentistry, clear aligners like Invisalign have become increasingly popular among adults.

This series of invisible retainers offers a discreet way to reshape your teeth into a more beautiful and healthier smile. With Invisalign, the change is gradual and unnoticeable to others until the day you’re smile is reshaped.

Invisalign are custom-made aligners tailored to suit your teeth’s unique shape. Each Invisalign set gently shifts your teeth, bit by bit, guiding them into a more desirable position.

So why wait? Embark on the journey towards a better, more confident smile with Augusta Orthodontics today!

Orthodontic Devices for Adults: Traditional Braces and Beyond

Here at Augusta Orthodontics, we know that adult dental needs can often differ from younger patients. But that doesn’t mean adults should put orthodontic treatment on the back burner.

It’s exciting to see how many adults recognize the importance of orthodontic devices and braces.

In fact, braces are becoming increasingly popular among adults in Augusta.

Using our advanced dental technology, braces for adults are designed to be as discreet or as noticeable as possible. Our grown-up patients love all the different options we offer to fit their style.

  • Stylish, visible Options
Stylish gold brackets

Gold and silver braces are your best bet if you want people to notice your success when undergoing orthodontic care.

These visible options let everyone know you are making moves to improve your already successful life.

You’ll be the talk of the town when you combine your braces with your favorite color rubberband combination.

  • Clear, Invisible Options
Clear Unseen braces

When you think of orthodontic devices, you might think of the easily noticed traditional metal braces mentioned above.

But in truth, your options go far beyond these regular braces, including clear ceramic braces and invisible aligners.

Clear braces blend in perfectly with your teeth and Invisalign is completely removable.

These orthodontic devices can offer adults an effective treatment without the visibility of traditional braces.

For example, adults who use clear braces or invisible aligners often report they forget they’re even wearing them.

Our team at Augusta Orthodontics encourages adults to consider their available options and ask questions during their free consultation.

Remember, braces aren’t just for adolescents. Adults can gain the same benefits as younger orthodontic patients with the right treatment plan.

So go ahead, adults, learn more about all your braces options and Invisalign clear aligners.

Adult Orthodontic Treatments: Pros and Cons of Invisible Aligners

When it comes to adult orthodontic treatments, one of the most popular choices is invisible aligners. 

They demonstrate the modern advancements in orthodontic treatments. 

These advancements are especially good for folks who are concerned about their appearance or the downsides of normal braces. 

But, like everything, they have their share of pros and cons that we at Augusta Orthodontics recommend you know before opting for them.

On the positive side, clear aligners are, as their name suggests, hard or impossible to notice.

They’re a great orthodontic treatment option if you’re worried about the visible metal wires and brackets that traditional braces use. 

Clear Aligners Augusta

You’ll have the confidence to smile, even during your orthodontic treatment. 

Unlike conventional braces, these “retainer” style devices are also removable, making them impossible to see. It’s a win-win!

However, there’s no denying that Invisalign requires a lot more self-discipline. 

Remember, the success of your orthodontic treatment lies in your hands with this option. 

Since these appliances can be removed, the temptation to keep them off more than recommended is real! 

Plus, invisible aligners may not be the best orthodontic choice, or even a possible treatment, for certain complex dental issues, unlike traditional braces.

So, if you are curious and want to learn more about Invisalign treatment, get in touch with us at Augusta Orthodontics. 

Our dental professionals are always ready to guide you through your options and ensure you choose the braces that best fit your lifestyle.

Orthodontist in Augusta, GA: Making Adult Orthodontics Affordable

braces for younger adults

When considering adult orthodontics, it’s natural to be concerned about the cost. 

However, Augusta Orthodontics is all about making top-rated orthodontic care affordable. 

Our office in Evans, GA, is owned by highy experienced orthodontist Dr. Dallam, who understands the unique issues faced by adults in the Augusta region. 

We believe everyone deserves a healthy, confident smile. So, we’re dedicated to finding reasonably priced payment plans and finding scheduling options that work with your budget and lifestyle.

We’re not just an office – we’re a community. We thrive on the positive reviews of our patients and strive to uphold our reputation for exceptional dental health services. 

Dr. Dallam has over 40 years of experience in advanced adult orthodontics, including traditional braces and invisible aligners. 

He and his team always take the time to thoroughly review your dental health history and alignment needs before recommending a treatment plan.  

In fact, we offer free in-person and virtual consultations so patients know exactly what to expect before treatment begins. 

Additionally, the cost shouldn’t deter you from achieving your dream smile. 

With Augusta Orthodontics, there’s always a way to make it work. We offer low down payments, affordable monthly plans with CareCredit, and a variety of payment options.

Schedule your appointment today, and let’s start your journey towards a perfected smile and better dental health!

How to Pay for Braces: 5 Ways

  • Low Down Payment: Augusta Orthodontics offers a low down payment of $500. Patients pay this small portion of the total cost the same day they get braces. The remaining balance is then paid over time, which helps make the investment in braces more affordable.
5 reason to fix your smile
  • CareCredit Financing: CareCredit is a healthcare credit card that can be used for various medical expenses, including braces. Augusta Ortho has partnered with CareCredit, allowing patients to finance their purchase. You make payments over a specified period of time until the treatment is paid for.
  • Monthly Payment Plans: Many orthodontic clinics offer monthly payment plans. This allows patients to split up the cost of braces into manageable monthly payments, often with no interest. Patients can pay for their treatment over time rather than in one lump sum.
  • Insurance Coverage: Depending on your insurance plan, some patients may have a portion of their braces cost covered. Patients can check with their insurance provider or have our insurance specialist verify their coverage and understand what portion they would be responsible for paying out-of-pocket or financing.
  • Payment in Full: Patients who are able to afford it may choose to pay for their braces in full at the start of treatment. Augusta Orthodontics may offer a discount for this upfront payment depending on your treatment needs.

Effects of Braces on Adult Orthodontic Problems

When we talk about braces, many of us imagine teenagers with a metallic smile, but have you ever thought about the effects of braces in addressing adult orthodontic problems? 

Fix smiles results in happiness

Here at Augusta Orthodontics, it’s very common for us to help adults seeking to perfect their smiles. 

Fixing crooked teeth isn’t just for a certain age group; braces play a vital role in adult orthodontics. 

Misaligned teeth usually lead to troubles, including improper bite, speech issues, faster decay, and a host of other dental problems and mental issues. 

…results showed that orthodontic treatments could increase mental health…

A National Library of Medicine

These problems should not be ignored since they negatively impact self-confidence and quality of life.  

Fortunately, modern advancements in orthodontics allow braces to solve these problems effectively. Post-treatment adults talk about their enhanced smiles and the reclaiming of their confidence. 

While braces or Invisalign are often associated with certain inconveniences, the pros far outweigh the cons when it comes to achieving that perfect smile.  

As for cost, patients should think of fixing their teeth as a long-term investment, not an expense.

There’s no age limit to achieving a beautiful smile. 

So, whether it’s shifting teeth, gapped teeth, or crowded teeth, braces have proven to be a prominent solution in adult orthodontic treatment. 

Trust us, it’s a journey worth taking, and at Augusta Orthodontics, we’re with you every step of the way!

The Role of Orthodontists in Adult Orthodontic Treatments

When it comes to orthodontic treatment for adults, the role of an orthodontist is critical. 

An orthodontist is a dental specialist who can diagnose and treat tooth and jaw alignment issues. 

Dr. Dallam offers personalized, effective adult orthodontic solutions tailored to patient needs all over Augusta and the surrounding areas. 

Whether you’re considering aligners or braces for the first time as an adult or reviewing different treatment options, Augusta Orthodontics is ready to help.  

Adult Orthodontics for everyone

We’re dedicated to clarifying all your adult orthodontic options, from traditional braces to invisible aligners, and offer free, no-obligation consultations.

Orthodontic treatment will boost your confidence and improve the health and functionality of your teeth, regardless of your age. 

Most people think braces are only for teenagers, but more adults are experiencing the benefits of orthodontic treatment. 

Every day, we guide adults through this journey at Augusta Orthodontics. We ensure they receive top-notch orthodontic care using the best of braces and other dental appliances. 

Our aim is to help adults achieve the smiles they’ve always wanted.

Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean it’s too late for orthodontic treatment. 

Undergoing a free treatment review with Dr. Dallam can determine the best course for your dental health. 

Here at Augusta Orthodontics, we’re committed to making a beautiful smile achievable, affordable, and accessible to all.

What to do next?

It’s important to remember it’s never too late to perfect your smile. 

With Augusta Orthodontics, you’re not just another patient – you’re part of our family. 

We’re committed to not only improving the appearance of your smile but your health and overall self-confidence as well. 

Auguta Ortho Team

Dr. Dallam and our experienced team use cutting-edge technology combined with gentle, hassle-free, affordable braces to provide patients with a one-of-kind orthodontic experience. 

So go ahead, make the confident decision to improve your life today with Augusta Orthodontics because the right smile can truly make all the difference.

About Dr. Hank Dallam

Dr. Hank Dallam is a board-certified orthodontist in the State of Georgia. He received his undergraduate degree and graduated from the University of Kentucky. After that, he completed his orthodontic residency at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. He is an honored member of the American Dental Association, Georgia Dental Association, American Association of Orthodontists, and the Southern Association of Orthodontists. Dr. Dallam has practiced orthodontics in Georgia for over 30 years. He stays on the cutting edge of orthodontics through continuing education courses, regularly visitng dental trade shows, and attending orthodontic/dental seminars.

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